Out of Hours Urgent GP Care
0818 360 000
If you need out of hours GP Care:
Phone 0818 360 000 you will get through to a call centre (please note at busier periods you may be on hold for a period).
All calls are recorded
Your call is initially answered by a Call Handler who will ask a number of questions. Where possible please have the following information regarding the patient available:
Telephone number
Date of Birth
Patients Name
Patients Address
Patients Current Location
Phone number to be contacted on, if different from above
Patients Medical Card Number
A brief description of the patients complaint
After you provide details to the Call Handler, you will be asked to hang-up and await a call back from the Nurse. The Call Handler should give you an indication of expected waiting time for the Nurse to call you back. Please keep the contact phone number free so the nurse can get through to you. If the patient’s condition deteriorates before receiving a call back, phone back on 0818 360 000 again.
All urgent calls receive priority. The Telephone Triage Nurse is the first point of clinical contact the patient /caller has with the Westdoc service.
The Nurse returns calls in rotation, based on urgency. The Nurse asks a sequence of questions to obtain information to make an assessment and a clinically safe decision.
The Nurse may:
advise the patient /caller over the telephone, consulting the Doctor if needed.
advise the patient /caller to see their own GP, during surgery hours.
make an appointment for the patient / caller to receive a call-back from the Doctor for further telephone advice.
make an appointment for the patient / caller to receive a video consultation from the Doctor.
make an appointment for the patient to see the on duty Doctor, in a Westdoc treatment center.
make an appointment for the patient to receive a home visit from the Westdoc Doctor on duty.
direct the patient to the emergency department, arranging an ambulance, if necessary.
If offered an appointment for a Video Consultation appointment, you can watch the video below for details of what to expect.
Details of your contact with Westdoc are automatically forwarded to your own doctor.
If you are given an appointment and you have a valid Medical Card, GP Visit Card or U6 GP Visit Card you must bring it with you or you may be charged
All patients are expected to be polite and courteous to all members of staff, doctors, nurses etc. Abusive language and behaviour is not acceptable. Patients who are consistently abusive or threatening to members of staff and/or doctors in the centres or on the phones may be prevented from using the service in the future.